The Social Survey Austria is a survey program for monitoring changes in attitudes and value orientations in the Austrian population. The questionnaire consists of annual modules of the International Social Survey Program which are collected in around 45 countries, and a national part with questions on current social issues in Austria. The surveys are based on representative samples of the Austrian resident population aged 18 and over. By replicating questions and linking the SSE and ISSP, it is possible to examine development processes and social change in Austria both over time and in an international comparison. The surveys are supplemented and deepened by accompanying methodological studies.
As a member of the ISSP, the Graz Institute of Sociology has been primarily responsible for conducting the ISSP surveys in Austria since 1985. Our institute was also instrumental in setting up the SSÖ. This is designed, carried out and scientifically evaluated jointly by sociologists from the universities of Graz, Linz, Salzburg and Vienna as part of an inter-university research cooperative. The SSÖ thus also serves to network social science research in Austria.
Through close cooperation with the Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA), the survey data is archived sustainably and made publicly accessible. The Austrian ISSP data are also integrated into international data sets at GESIS (Cologne). The SSÖ/ISSP data can thus be used free of charge by scientists and students from various disciplines, but also by educational institutions, media professionals and other interested citizens.